
How Do Bats Get in the Attic?

Due to the risk, hiring a bat control specialist is, therefore, the best choice to take in terms of personal safety and finances because bat control specialists can also locate and detect the bat entry points which are always much pretty hidden in plain sight. Bats can easily squeeze through holes through the mere size of a small dime. Technicians will know where to find these entry points. Now that you know the advantages of hiring a technician, how do you get bats out yourself?

If you have bats that you want to get rid of, contact the bat removal professionals from Bat Control for guaranteed bat removal at affordable prices.

The first step is to conduct an exterior inspection. For this, you will need to know what bats are capable of because they can fit through very narrow holes that look impossible at first, but can be very easily done. There are a few locations where you might have to check such as external air vents, soffits., fascia boards, and gables. Make sure you do not seal them in, but at least locate them to seal later.

To get the bats out you will need to find a way to get them out and for that s device can be used which is called a bat cone. Installing a bat cone can be very risky for inexperienced people since it includes working at height. Once the at cone is installed, the area needs to be under surveillance. The sealing must occur within a few hours and the space must be inspected for any remaining baby pups or baby bats. Once done, you can start sealing with metal flashing. For professional help which is highly recommended, hire the professionals from Bt control.

Therefore, bats have a protected status in Ontario because it is also indispensable to the very ecosystem we profit off of.  Despite the reputation we have created for the bat, they have an important role in keeping certain insects at bay to prevent overpopulation.

The most common bat species to invade attics is the Small Brown Myotis. These bat species stay the best-studies bats according to research. These bat species roost with hundreds of bats together tightly packed together. Their torpor usually starts in September. Technicians hired to remove bats are bound to stringent rules and regulations as not to disturb them. Speak to your technician to discuss the legalities. Technicians and customers have a limited window of opportunity to remove them, so as soon as you hear them, it is good to call a technician from Bat Control.

Bat Control consists of licensed bat removal specialists that are trained, certified, and insured experts that know how to remove all kinds of bats using proven methods and techniques ethically and safely. For more information, contact, the customer service specialists from Bat Control.