Are Bats Taking Over Your Space?

Are Bats Taking Over Your Space?

Humane Bat Removal Burlington

Bat Control only employs the best of the best when it comes to our bat control specialists. They  have been in the wildlife animal control field for more than a decade and continue to deliver a premium-quality service at an affordable cost. Our experts have been honing their skills through years of experience cracking the toughest cases throughout the city. All of our seasoned professionals have a solid track record of successfully solved cases and we have customers that can vouch for our work. At Bat Control Burlington, we do not only strive to become the first choice for many, but also the best choice through the hard work and passion we have for our neighbors and community that we are a part of. At Bat Control Burlington, our duty is to remove bats, but also recognizing that we have the responsibility that we are doing it ethically. We will never harm, inflict pain, or trap bats during and after the process as they are protected animals in the province of Ontario. We work with tested and proven ethodologies that can get the bats out before  you know it. So make sure to hire your local trusted bat removal specialists from Bat Control Burlington!



There are some spaces that bats favor over the other and one of these spaces happens to be isolated from the rest of the house, namely the attic. The reason why the attic remains such a perfect spot for bats is that they need two basic requirements. Shelter and seclusion. This is  because bats are classified as nocturnal animals who are active at night but inactive by day. The  shelter seems to be the perfect combination of the two considering that the attic is rarely visited.  The relatively stable temperatures during extreme heat or cold make it a perfect shelter away
from predators to rear their young.



Bats can also choose unconventional spots to remain tucked away from humans. In most cases, however, this is not intentional. Younger bats, who can’t fly often find themselves stuck in
between the narrow openings. To free them, specialists are needed with protective gear as they might or attack.

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Every outward-facing point can be exploited by bats and other wildlife animals such as raccoons
and squirrels, and this also applies to ventilation pipes and vents placed on the side of the walls and other roofs. Professionals know what bats are capable of and can advise homeowners what to do against these areas.

Low Profile Exclusion Work for Bats

Check out our work

We know that having bats in your home can be a nerve-wracking ordeal this is why all our technicians are equipped with the latest tools to get the bats out of your property as soon as possible. We have eased the minds of customers all over through skill and experience. When we set foot on your property, we know what to do. Check it out for yourself.

Big Brown Bat


The Big Brown Bat is a protected species in Ontario. They can be recognized by their golden-brown fur, black wings, their short snout, and their pointy long ears. They grow up to about  13cm in length. They eat a steady diet of mostly insects like mealworms, cockroaches, beetles,  and flies. The Big Brown Bat is a nocturnal creature meaning that it is inactive during the day and active during the night. One of the signs during nighttime can be rustles, screeches, and thumps indicating that they are active. The bats are often found in colonies and generally pose no threat. They hibernate during the colder months in the winter and give birth around spring. It is important to note that they cannot be removed from homes during specific times of the month. Call our customer service for more information.

Small Brown Bat


Just like its other counterpart, the Small Brown Bat is also a protected bat species in Ontario thus has certain limitations as to how and when to remove it. The Small Brown Bat can be recognized by its short snout golden brown-reddish fur, black wings, and pointy long ears just like the Big Brown Bat. Although very similar in appearance, the Small Brown Bat just as the name implies is smaller in size and can measure up to 9 cm in  length. It is also nocturnal and survives on a diet of various insects as well.

Professional Bat Removal Service


To understand the situation that our customers are in, we conduct an exterior inspection as well as an interior inspection when needed. This allows us to determine the exact location of the entry points that the bats use to get inside the property and effectively seal it. In most cases, bats will use one entry point to enter and exit the property. The technician will also make notes of additional weak points and will relay this information to the homeowner.

The Bat Cone

The technician will seal all the other entry points located during the initial inspection. After the main entry point is located, the technician will mount a cone-like device angled at a downward angle. Once the bat passes through the cone, it makes it impossible for the bat to re-enter due to the hard plastic material. The bat will then leave the area for good.


After it is determined that the bats vacated the property, the technicians will begin with the last step in the process, the exclusion. The One-Way-Door will be removed and the entry point will be sealed with flashing made out of enforced aluminum plates. This prevents other wildlife animals such as raccoons or squirrels from coming in and taking advantage of the weak spot.

The Problem With Bats

bat feces on porch

Bat Odour

Bats are not so pleasant animals to have around. They are for the most part quite calm when  not agitated, but they have a reputation to turn any space that they live in into a true cesspool teeming with all sorts of bacteria and diseases. When you have bats, you do not need to see them know they’re there, you can smell them from afar. They’re infamous for their rancid smells
being a mixture of bat poop and urine. When you have bats removed make sure the the smell goes away too!

Property Damage

Bats are seemingly relaxed animals, but do not underestimate them at all! Bats can cost
homeowners up to thousands of dollars in repair and restoration costs alone. Their urine and feces can soak into the flooring causing it to deteriorate at a very fast pace. When you hear something, do something by calling wildlife control specialists.


Health Concerns

Bats can carry dozens of transferable diseases that people can get exposed to through direct
and indirect exposure. It can be assumed when you see bats that it caries rabies. Having any
type of wild animal in an enclosed space like an attic can cause fumes to move through your
property easily because of poor ventilation. When bats are removed from any space immediate sanitation is required to make sure occupants do not fall ill.

Bat Concerns

Bats are very unpredictable and can attack in an instant sometimes without an apparent cause. When you do hear unusual sounds coming from the upper floors, do not attempt to inspect  them. If you hear bats from a closed door, do not open the door as the bats might feel attacked. Instead, call your local bat control specialists for consultation and information.

bat control burlington

Bat Removal FAQ

How Much Does Bat Removal Cost?

Bat removal usually costs about $300 to $400. This includes a detailed inspection of the exterior
of your property as well as the installation of the one-way door. Pest-proofing
starts at $30 per linear foot. Pricing varies according to the scope and difficulty of the job.

What does Your Warranty Cover?

Our warranty covers the labor and materials involved in the exclusion performed. If an animal  breaches our work within the warranty period, a technician will come back and fix the problem at  no additional cost. This is a comprehensive warranty.

Do You Trap Bats?

No, we do not trap bats. Harming bats is an offense as they are a protected species in  Ontario. We can only take action at specific times of the year. We strongly advise against taking  action yourself. Always call a bat removal specialist for safe and quick removal.


One-Way-Doors are a tunnel-like contraption that has a door that swings outwards.  Once the animal passes through the door, it cannot get back in. It gets locked out and vacates  the area. This is completely ethical and harmless.

When Do Bats Have Babies?

Bats usually have babies in the springtime from May to July-August. During this time,  we cannot remove them. We cannot also remove them during the rainy season during the winter. Babies should never be removed without a specialist. Always consult a bat removal  company for consultation.

Do You Only Provide Services for Bats?

We provide services for bats, skunks, raccoons, rats, and other wildlife in which we can use the  one-way door. The technique is the same and our pest-proofing works against all wildlife. If  another species is identified at the time of inspection, we can help you out.

What To Do With A Bat in The House?

When you suspect that you have a bat in the house in another room, do not open the door. If you have pets and/or children keep them at a safe distance and do not let them go near. Do not attempt to remove the bat yourself for two reasons. Bats are a protected wildlife animal in the  province of Ontario and bats can be highly erratic when provoked which can lead them to attack to defend their territory. Call a bat removal the specialist at 647-496-4484 and explain the situation to the operator.

Professional & Guaranteed

Experienced Wildlife Removal Professionals

2 Year Warranty on All Work Performed

Humane & Effective

Our technique does not harm animals

Our Exclusion Services Work

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Bats in Burlington

Most people do not know that bats are critical when it comes to the local ecosystem. This is why they are protected wildlife animals. When you do see a bat in your house, you can readily assume that you are dealing with either one of the two bat species: The Big Brown Bat and the Small Brown Bat. These two bats can be recognized by their golden- reddish fur, short snout, black wings, and long pointy ears. These two bats are harmless. The Small Brown Bat is categorized as an endangered species under Schedule 1 under the Species of Risk Act. Causing bats harm, in general, will lead to hefty fines this is why bat cases should be left to professionals who have the right tools and knowledge to deal with bats

bat control specialist burlington

Bat Control - Areas Served