

Can Bat Guano Cause Illness

While it is known that rodents like mice and rats can transmit disease, people have very little knowledge when it comes to the diseases that bats bring with them. The disease that bats are known for is known as Histoplasmosis. It is the most common disease that is transmitted by bat feces. It happens when …

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When is Bat Mating Season

Bat mating officially starts from April 15th to August 15th. During this time it becomes illegal to remove bats from their roosting places and their other habitations. Most bats will break in into attics and other spaces that can put a roof over their head. This is why they even roost underneath porches. The reason …

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Does Bat Poop Smell

Yes, bat poop smells and this has to do with the fact that bats are often found in enclosed spaces which worsens the smell over time. Bats have a habit of being in closed and dark places with adequate moisture as their ideal spot. As such, you will find bats in caves, caverns, and even …

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Signs of Bat Infestation

Bats are increasing their presence in our urban areas due to several factors that include disturbance, deforestation, and just simply convenience. Bats often enter by exploiting openings throughout our properties and this often takes place around the roof level. A lot of bats for this reason end up in our attics and roost there for …

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